Make calls in support of progressive issues. We update the list regularly as legislation develops and remove topics as soon as they're no longer relevant.
If you don’t see your issue on the list, please reach out.
Your location stays private. We don't store it and we never sell data to third parties.
Keep it short.
Calls can take less than a minute.
Stick to the script, or improvise.
We've worked on our scripts to keep your calls easy, but you can add your personal story for extra impact.
Make your stance clear
Use supporting bill numbers if applicable so the staffer can easily tally your call.
Be respectful.
No matter which party they work for, the staffers that pick up the phone aren’t looking to challenge you.
Start with their D.C. office. When you open an issue page, we start with your congressperson’s Washington, D.C. office. You should call that one before trying a local office.
If no one picks up, leave a voicemail. Congressional offices check voicemail every day. They will tally your message just like a call. Make sure to mention your street address in the message. That way, your congressperson will know you are a constituent.
After-hours voicemails are a great way to make your voice heard if you aren't comfortable talking to someone directly.
If you can’t get through, call their local offices. Your senators will have a few local offices. Since they represent your entire state, it doesn’t matter which one you call, even if it’s far away from you.
If all else fails, try emailing, tweeting, sending a postcard, or using the contact form on their website. But these are absolute last resorts, since phone calls by far have the most impact.
If you can’t get through, we know it’s frustrating. Congressional offices have recently been seeing record call volume.
But if you can’t reach your congressperson, that usually means a lot of people cared enough to call. That's amazing! Don’t sweat it and try again later.
Why do I only see my House or Senate representative?
Depending on the issue, voting may have already happened in one chamber or the other, or the issue may not be active in that chamber.
We regularly update who needs to be called based on legislation status so you can trust that you're getting the right information.
Can I save time by mentioning multiple issues in the same call?
Sometimes! This largely depends on the office and how they tally calls, but you can always ask.
For cases where they can't tally multiple issues, you can call right back or spread your calls out over the day.
Why can’t I send a letter or email instead?
Calling is by far the most effective way to reach your congressperson. To learn more, check out our guide to why calling works.
What if I really don't like talking on the phone?
Calling on evenings and weekends with the intent of leaving a voicemail is still a great way to make your voice heard. Congressional offices are usually open during normal business hours in their local time zone.