While Congress has already passed three separate relief bills to alleviate the coronavirus pandemic’s economic impact, additional help is urgently needed to avoid an economic cliff. The CARES Act, which was signed into law in March, included provisions like expanded unemployment payments, mandated private insurance coverage of coronavirus testing and treatment, and cash payments to most American households. However provisions of the CARES Act begin to expire at the end of July and Congress must do more to support our economy and help people stay safe to reduce coronavirus’ spread.
In May, the House passed an additional $3 Trillion COVID stimulus package with the HEROS Act but the legislation has stalled in Mitch McConnell’s Senate. Thousands of Americans can’t keep up with housing, utility, and student loan payments thanks to ballooning job losses. Thousands more must work despite infectious risk because they lack paid sick leave. Congress must immediately pass additional measures to alleviate economic pressure on US families.
The next coronavirus stimulus package should include:
Congress must act decisively to protect families from economic ruin and enable people to stay safe while we work to stop the spread of coronavirus.