UPDATE (08/04/19): In the wake of another mass shootings in Texas, resulting in the deaths of 7 individuals, it was revealed the shooter obtained his firearm through a private sale after being denied a gun purchase because he was determined to be mentally unfit.. We must continue to demand Congress update and expand the federal background check system.
UPDATE (02/28/19): The House has passed H.R. 8 in a 240-190 vote on Wednesday February 27th This bill represent the first major gun violence prevention legislation to pass in the House for over 2 decades. The legislation now moves to the Senate for consideration.
As mass shootings have become an epidemic reaching all corners of American society, it is clearer than ever that our approach to gun policy and gun violence must change. One such necessary change is to close background check loopholes. Currently, background checks are mandatory for commercial gun sales but not for purchases made through private sellers, at gun shows, or online.
To fix this serious problem, the Senate and House have introduced legislation that would make background checks nearly universal. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) has introduced the Background Check Expansion Act, (S.42), and in the House Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) has introduced bipartisan legislation, HR 8, named to commemorate the 8-year anniversary of former Representative Gabby Gifford’s near fatal shooting. The legislation would close the “gun show loophole” by mandating that all sellers run potential buyer information through the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), including online and private sales. The bill maintains some exceptions for law enforcement officials, loans for hunting and sporting events, and for transfer between family members. Gun reform organizations estimate 20% or more of gun sales currently don’t include a background check, illustrating the clear need for the new legislation.
Gun reform organizations estimate 20% or more of gun sales currently don’t include a background check, illustrating the clear need for the new legislation. Public support for expanded background checks has risen to over 90%, proving now is the time for Congress to take action against rampant gun violence in our country.