UPDATE (07/23/20): UPDATE (07/23/20): With a 233-183 vote, the House has passed HR 2214, the No Ban Act. The legislation now moves to the Senate for consideration.
One of Trump’s first official acts in office was to ban visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries. He extended the travel ban in January of this year, adding an additional 6 countries to the banned list, which now totals 13 countries (Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Nigeria, Eritrea, Tanzania, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Iraq, and North Korea). Visitors from these countries are only able to obtain a visa if they can prove they have ties to a US institution or a close family member such as a parent, spouse, child, son- or daughter-in-law, or sibling in the US. This practice has separated millions of Americans from their families and was enacted to advance the administration’s white nationalist agenda to restrict the immigration of non-Europeans.
The travel ban is clearly a Muslim ban in disguise. Analyses have shown that this ban would not have protected a single American from a terrorist attack over the past 20 years, including the 9/11 attacks. To end this needless ban, Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA) and Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) have introduced the No Ban Act (HR 2214/S1123), which ends the current ban and imposes limits on future travel restrictions. While the bill allows for temporary, emergency travel restrictions, it would require evidence from the President, DHS, and the State Department as to why a restriction was necessary along with regular reporting to Congress about the status of any imposed bans.
Demand your Member of Congress end the Muslim travel ban by supporting the No Ban Act.