UPDATE (05/16/19): The Senate has confirmed Wendy Vitter to the Eastern District Court of Louisiana in a 52-45 vote.
Donald Trump has nominated yet another unacceptable and woefully unqualified attorney for a lifetime appointment as a judge. Wendy Vitter, Trump’s nominee for a judgeship in the Eastern District Court of Louisiana, is an anti-choice extremist with a troubling professional and personal history. During her time working in the New Orleans District Attorney’s Office, Vitter’s office was repeatedly criticized for refusing to share evidence of innocence with defendants, ultimately earning a rebuke from the Supreme Court. She has consistently propagated false and dangerous information about reproductive health, claiming birth control leads to a higher risk of violent death, that abortion causes breast cancer, and that Planned Parenthood kills 150,000 women a year. During her Senate hearing, she refused to agree that the landmark case to desegregate public schools, Brown v. Board of Education, was decided correctly. She also failed to disclose information about her past anti-choice activities.
Wendy Vitter’s stances on reproductive rights and racial integration make her an unconscionable choice for a lifetime federal judgeship. Congress must reject her appointment to the Eastern District Court of Louisiana.