The Senate is in congressional recess from June 27th to July 10th. This time is allotted for members of Congress to work in their districts and engage with constituents they represent.
Given the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, now is a critical time to engage with your elected officials.
Congress could swiftly enact several legislative fixes to protect reproductive rights, such as:
passing H.R. 3755, Women’s Health Protection Act, which would codify a person’s right to an abortion;
ending the Hyde Amendment, which blocks federal funding of abortion services;
introducing and passing federal legislation that would codify the right to birth control.
Town halls are an essential tool for holding representatives accountable for their actions and ensuring that these elected officials, who spend much of their time outside of their home states, are hearing the needs and concerns of their constituents in person.
Take advantage of this recess period to speak to your Senators about what actions they will now take to protect reproductive freedoms in America.
NOTE: Select a local office number to get the most up-to-date town hall schedule information.