Protect Medicaid Funding

Medicaid is a health insurance program serving 72 million low-income and disabled Americans that is jointly funded and administered by states/territories and the federal government, with the federal government covering a greater share of Medicaid costs in lower-income states. Medicaid is an essential source of coverage for children, pregnant people, and low-income adults, particularly those with disabilities. Medicaid also pays for nursing home care and other long-term services and supports, essential benefits for older adults which Medicare does not cover. Despite being universally well-regarded and one of the most cost-effective insurance programs in the country, Medicaid is a target for major funding cuts by Republican legislators seeking to finance their tax cuts for the wealthy.

Republicans are already considering multiple approaches to reduce Medicaid spending. Proposed approaches include capping total federal contributions to Medicaid, reducing federal financing for the Affordable Care Act’s expansion of Medicaid coverage to more nondisabled adults, reviving past failed attempts to add Medicaid work requirements, and generally making it harder to enroll. All proposals will have the net effect of reducing access to life-saving and life-enhancing health care, particularly for children, people with disabilities, and seniors.

Contacts for this topic:

Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [City, Zip].

I’m calling to urge [REP/SEN NAME] to oppose attempts to reduce Medicaid funding and coverage through approaches like imposition of work requirements, conversion of federal Medicaid funding to block grants, or reduction of federal contributions to Medicaid expansion costs. Medicaid provides essential and highly-cost effective health care access to millions of Americans, especially children. Using Medicaid dollars to finance tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans will not only harm low-income Americans but also cause disproportionate harm to lower-income states and rural hospitals who rely on Medicaid coverage to keep their doors open.

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