The dramatic and abrupt changes to the US Postal Service in the lead up to the November general election have led to public outcry and greater scrutiny of the top leadership at the government agency. On Monday, August 24, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and USPS Board Chairman Robert Duncan defended their actions before the House Oversight Committee. Additionally, DeJoy appeared on Friday August 21 before a Senate committee to answer similar questions and issue reassurances that election related mail will not be affected. However, his assurances fall flat in light of the recent discovery that he and five of six Postal Service Board members, including Board Chair Duncan, have close ties to Trump and the GOP.
Chairman Duncan is a director of American Crossroads, a super PAC which has already funneled nearly 2 million to his Trump’s reelection and director of the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC helping Republicans defend their majority in the U.S. Senate. Both have refused requests to provide information about the proceedings of the board or to disclose potential conflicts of interest, citing their status as “special” federal employees. In a recent letter, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) wrote “The public has a right to know if members of the Postal Board of Governors have financial conflicts of interest, and, if so, whether those conflicts might be affecting their actions—or if they might account for the failure to act.”
Demand that your representative call for the USPS board to voluntarily release their complete financial disclosures as soon as possible so that it is clear if there are conflicts at the highest levels of the Post Office that might interfere with a free and fair election.