UPDATE (09/24/19): The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee approved Eugene Scalia’s nomination in a 12-11 vote, clearing the way for the full Senate to vote.
Eugene Scalia is Trump’s choice to replace disgraced Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta. Scalia has a long record of serving corporate interests and fighting against rules and settlements that protect workers. He fought regulations to prevent repetitive stress injuries and defended a casino owner accused of stealing tips from employees. Most recently, Scalia went against the Labor Department to remove a rule requiring workers’ retirement accounts be run in their best interest.
Scalia’s past behavior and positions show a lack of regard for victims of workplace discrimination, harassment, and danger. He relentlessly questioned a sexual harassment victim, bringing her to tears and prevented a class-action discrimination suit from disabled workers against UPS.
The Secretary of Labor maintains a balance of fairness between employers and employees across the nation. With a track record of defending abusive employers and attacking employees, Eugene Scalia’s appointment to this powerful position virtually guarantees an anti-worker perspective. Congress must reject his appointment as Secretary of Labor.