Over 50 progressive organizations are calling on Congress to appropriate $4 billion to states and territories to boost mail-in voting efforts in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The letter is below or can be found here.
In the midst of our ongoing national crisis, in addition to providing the American people with continued economic and health care support, it is now critical that Congress take swift action to ensure that every American can exercise their right to vote this November.
While Congress has already allocated $400 million in election assistance funding to the states, that sum is simply not enough to ensure that our elections are secure and that voting is accessible to all who are eligible. Additional funding is needed now so that election officials across the country have time to make critical adjustments before Election Day.
For that reason, we demand that Congress immediately pass legislation to provide states and territories with $4 billion to:
While these reforms can and must be implemented by the states, Congress has an obligation to safeguard the integrity of our elections by setting national voting rights standards and providing state officials with urgent financial support so that they can institute these common-sense reforms while there is still time.
None of us know how long this pandemic will last. Failing to provide states with this necessary funding puts the November election and the rights of every voter at risk.
We implore you to immediately come together to ensure that every eligible American has access to the ballot and our democracy does not become another casualty of this crisis.