UPDATE (05/16/19): The Senate has voted 52-45 to confirm Jeffrey Rosen to be Deputy Attorney General.
Soon after former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced his departure from the Department of Justice, President Trump announced his choice for a replacement: Jeffrey Rosen. Currently the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Transportation, Rosen is a Harvard Law graduate and civil litigator with nearly 30 years experience at Kirkland and Ellis. While these credentials are impressive, they are irrelevant to the role that he has been nominated for. The Deputy Attorney General (DAG) oversees the day to day operations of the DOJ, who employs over 107,000 people and has an annual budget of approximately $28 billion. Furthermore, the DAG serves as the main liaison to the White House, and the heads of the FBI, DEA, criminal division and national security division all directly report to the DAG. Without any prosecutorial experience, let alone knowledge of federal criminal code, former DOJ attorney Julie Rosen Zebrak describes Rosen’s disadvantage as “learning how to fly a plane while actually flying the plane, but with one arm tied behind his back."
Over and over, President Trump has demonstrated a pattern of choosing government officials for their expressions of personal loyalty to him or to dogmatic conservative causes over relevant qualifications or experience. Rosen’s nomination is consistent with this pattern. In a hearing before the Senate Judiciary committee on April 10, Rosen refused to say whether he supports either the Roe v. Wade or Brown v. Board of Education rulings, following other conservative confirmees Judge Wendy Vitter and Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.
Nominating Rosen for DAG is clearly a choice that serves the whims of an increasingly illegitimate White House rather than the American people. Demand that your member of Congress oppose Rosen’s nomination.